Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Good or Best

This past weekend I was on a hog hunt in south Texas with my son. While I was there I had sometime by myself. Instead of spending a lot of time in prayer I spent time creating this blog among other things. I am excited about this blog and the witness and impact it can have on others. However, looking back I realize I probably should have been spending that time completely in prayer and Bible study. There were and are major decisions that I need to make in the near future and I needed and continue to need God's wisdom. The opportunity was there to spend time in prayer and to hear what God wanted me to do. However I spent time doing good things but not doing the best thing.
When we make Jesus Lord of our life we don't get to always do the things that we want to do. Christ often calls us to do things that we would rather not do. However, because He is God, it is always what is BEST for us. When we follow Him, we get the best. But often we get distracted. I often find myself distracted by things such as social media. Twitter, blogs, and Facebook are not bad things in themselves. However, they can be a distraction that takes us away from doing what is best for us and for those around us. When we made Jesus Lord of our life and follow in obedience to what he wants us to do we may actually have to set aside good things so that we can do the best thing for us and for those around us. 
As you live out each day be open to what God wants you to do. Remember as you follow his will for your life you will be doing what is best for you and for those around you. 

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