Thursday, August 8, 2013

Walking by Faith

I like to walk by sight.  I think we all do but God has put me in a position where I must walk by faith. 
God is leading me to step down as our Senior Adult Pastor and to leave the ministry at this time. I am also a Physical Therapist but I have been working 30 hours a week since I am also in the ministry. I was assured months ago that I could return to 40 hours a week if I needed to. However, we are in a new location and the number of patients do not support my returning to 40 hours a week. So.... I am now in a holding pattern and God has put me in a position that I have to trust him. As I step out of the ministry I need to have a 40 hour work week to support my family. But it is not guaranteed. So now I have to wait and explore all my options. 
A couple of months ago I preached on walking by faith. However it is much easier to preach on faith than it is to walk by faith. However, this is what God desires for all of us. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. 

As I think about faith I realize that most of my life has not really been a walk of faith. I walk by sight very often.  Some folks are forced to walk by faith. My sister in law often has had to walk by faith. She is very close to The Lord as she has had to walk by faith through many trials. The result however is that her trust in The Lord has deepend and strengthened. That is one good thing about trials. They will help us walk closer to The Lord if we will just learn from them and lean on Him during those times!

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